Former lab members

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Manu Saunders was a postdoc in our lab funded by a UNE postdoctoral fellowship. Manu is now a Lecturer in Ecology at the University of New England

See Manu’s website

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Jamie Stavert was a former postdoc in our lab. He is now working for the New Zealand Department of Conservation.


Tobias Smith was a former postdoc in the lab.

Twitter: @EcologyToby

Toby is now runs his own business as a pollination educator, researcher and stingless bee keeper. Website:


Mark Hall was a former research fellow and postdoc Lab

Twitter: @linearecology

Mark is now a postdoc at Western Sydney University in the lab of Prof. James Cook.

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Amy-Marie Gilpin was a former postdoc.

Amy is now a postdoc at Western Sydney University in the lab of Professor James Cook.


Lindsey Kirkland was a Junior Research Fellow in the lab.

Twitter: @kirklanlr


Sarah McDonald was a former PhD student working on plant diversity in semi arid grazing systems.

Sarah is now a Research Officer for the Department of Primary Industries.


Robert McDougall was a former PhD student in the lab investigating urban ecology and productivity

Robert is now a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Nielsen Fruit Entomology Lab, Rutgers University.


Bryony Willcox was a former PhD student who worked on remote sensing and wild pollinators in agro-ecosystems

Twitter: @bryony_willcox

Bryony is now working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Reading in the Sustainable Land Management Group


Rachel Lawrence was a former PhD student who worked on the response of insect and ground layer plant communities to different grazing systems.


Tori Reynolds was a former PhD student based in Margie Mayfields Lab at the University of Queensland. She worked on wild pollinators and plant communities adjacent canola fields in WA.

Twitter: @toriireynolds

Tori is now a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Brosi Lab at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.