Heidi L. Kolkert, Rhiannon Smith, Romina Rader & Nick Reid 2021, ‘Prey removal in cotton crops next to woodland reveals periodic diurnal and nocturnal invertebrate predation gradients from the crop edge by birds and bats’, vol. 11, no. 1, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-84633-8.

Liam K. Kendall, Lisa J. Evans, Megan Gee, Tobias J. Smith & Vesna Gagic et al. 2021, ‘The effect of protective covers on pollinator health and pollination service delivery’, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 319, pp. 107556, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107556

Heidi Kolkert, Rhiannon Smith, Romina Rader & Nick Reid 2021, ‘Insectivorous bats provide significant economic value to the Australian cotton industry’, Ecosystem Services, vol. 49, pp. 101280, doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2021.101280

Jose B. Lanuza, Ignasi Bartomeus, Tia-Lynn Ashman, Greg Bible & Romina Rader 2021, ‘Recipient and donor characteristics govern the hierarchical structure of heterospecific pollen competition networks’, Journal of Ecology, vol. 109, no. 6, pp. 2329–2341, doi:10.1111/1365-2745

Juan Lobaton, Rose Andrew, Jorge Duitama, Lindsey Kirkland & Sarina Macfadyen et al. 2021, ‘Using RNA-seq to characterize pollen–stigma interactions for pollination studies’, Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85887-y,

Pettorelli, N., Barlow, J., Nuñez, M.A., Rader, R. & Stephens, P.A. et al. 2021, ‘How international journals can support ecology from the Global South’, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 4-8

Carolyn A. Sonter, Romina Rader, Gavin Stevenson, Jamie R. Stavert & Susan C. Wilson 2021, ‘Biological and behavioral responses of European honey bee ( Apis mellifera ) colonies to perfluorooctane sulfonate exposure’, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 673–683, doi:10.1002/ieam.4421

EK Goodwin, R Rader, F Encinas-Viso, ME Saunders 2021. ‘Weather Conditions Affect the Visitation Frequency, Richness and Detectability of Insect Flower Visitors in the Australian Alpine Zone’ Environmental Entomology

H Kolkert, R Andrew, R Smith, R Rader, N Reid. 2020. ‘Insectivorous bats selectively source moths and eat mostly pest insects on dryland and irrigated cotton farms’. Ecology and evolution 10 (1), 371-388

SE McDonald, N Reid, R Smith, CM Waters, J Hunter, R Rader. 2020 ‘Comparison of biodiversity and ground cover between a commercial rotationally grazed property and an adjacent nature reserve in semi‐arid rangeland’ Austral Ecology 45 (1), 60-69

DF Cook, SC Voss, JTD Finch, RC Rader, JM Cook, CJ Spurr 2020. ‘The role of flies as pollinators of horticultural crops: An Australian case study with worldwide relevance’ Insects 11 (6), 341

Rader, R, SA Cunningham, BG Howlett, and DW Inouye. 2020. 'Non-Bee Insects as Visitors and Pollinators of Crops: Biology, Ecology and Management', Annual Review of Entomology, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 391–407, doi:10.1146/annurev-ento-011019-025055

Vesna Gagic, Lindsey Kirkland, Liam K. Kendall, Jeremy Jones, Jeffrey Kirkland et al. and Romina Rader 2020, ‘Understanding pollinator foraging behaviour and transition rates between flowers is important to maximize seed set in hybrid crops’, Apidologie, doi:10.1007/s13592-020- 00800-2

Heidi Kolkert, Rhiannon Smith, Romina Rader & Nick Reid 2020, ‘Insectivorous bats foraging in cotton crop interiors is driven by moon illumination and insect abundance, but diversity benefits from woody vegetation cover’, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 302, pp. 107068, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2020.107068

Robert Mcdougall, Romina Rader & Paul Kristiansen 2020, ‘Urban agriculture could provide 15% of food supply to Sydney, Australia, under expanded land use scenarios’, Land Use Policy, vol. 94, pp. 104554, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104554

S.A.E.C. Wijesinghe, L.J. Evans, L. Kirkland & R. Rader 2020, ‘A global review of watermelon pollination biology and ecology: The increasing importance of seedless cultivars’, Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 271, pp. 109493, doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2020.109493

Jamie R. Stavert, Charlie Bailey, Lindsey Kirkland & Romina Rader 2020, ‘Pollen tube growth from multiple pollinator visits more accurately quantifies pollinator performance and plant reproduction’, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-73637-5

Mark A Hall, Jeremy Jones, Maurizio Rocchetti, Derek Wright & Romina Rader 2020, ‘Bee Visitation and Fruit Quality in Berries Under Protected Cropping Vary Along the Length of Polytunnels’, Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 113, no. 3, pp. 1337–1346, doi:10.1093/jee/toaa037

Liam K. Kendall, Vesna Gagic, Lisa J. Evans, Brian T. Cutting & Jessica Scalzo et al. 2020, ‘Self-compatible blueberry cultivars require fewer floral visits to maximize fruit production than a partially self-incompatible cultivar’, Journal of Applied Ecology, doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13751

McDougall, R., P. Kristiansen, and R. Rader. 2019. Small-scale urban agriculture results in high yields but requires judicious management of inputs to achieve sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019. 116(1): p. 129-134.

Dainese, Matteo, et al. 2019. 'A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production', Science Advances  (2019) Vol. 5, no. 10, eaax0121

Lawrence, Rachel, RDB Whalley, Nick Reid, and Romina Rader. 2019. 'Short-duration rotational grazing leads to improvements in landscape functionality and increased perennial herbaceous plant cover', Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 281: 134-44.

Kendall, Liam K, Romina Rader, Vesna Gagic, Daniel P Cariveau, Matthias Albrecht, Katherine CR Baldock, Breno M Freitas, Mark Hall, Andrea Holzschuh, and Francisco P Molina. 2019. 'Pollinator size and its consequences: Robust estimates of body size in pollinating insects', Ecology and Evolution, 9: 1702-14.

Marini, Lorenzo, Ignasi Bartomeus, Romina Rader, and Francesco Lami. 2019. 'Species–habitat networks: A tool to improve landscape management for conservation', Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 923-28.

McDonald, Sarah E, Rachel Lawrence, Liam Kendall, and Romina Rader. 2019. 'Ecological, biophysical and production effects of incorporating rest into grazing regimes: a global meta‐analysis', Journal of Applied Ecology.

McDonald, Sarah E, Nick Reid, Rhiannon Smith, Cathleen M Waters, John Hunter, and Romina Rader. 2019. 'Rotational grazing management achieves similar plant diversity outcomes to areas managed for conservation in a semi-arid rangeland', The Rangeland Journal, 41: 135-45.

Willcox, Bryony K, Brad G Howlett, Andrew J Robson, Brian Cutting, Lisa Evans, Linley Jesson, Lindsey Kirkland, Malou Jean-Meyzonnier, Victoria Potdevin, Manu E Saunders, and R Rader. 2019. 'Evaluating the taxa that provide shared pollination services across multiple crops and regions', Scientific Reports, 9: 1-10.

Sonter, C.A., R. Rader, and S.C. Wilson, A new, practicable and economical cage design for experimental studies on small honey bee colonies. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019. 222(9): p. jeb200998.

Saunders, M.E. and R. Rader, Network modularity influences plant reproduction in a mosaic tropical agroecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2019. 286(1899): p. 20190296.

Willcox, Bryony K, Andrew J Robson, Brad G Howlett, and Romina Rader. 2018. 'Toward an integrated approach to crop production and pollination ecology through the application of remote sensing', PeerJ, 6: e5806.

K Birkhofer, A Rusch, GKS Andersson, R Bommarco, J Dänhardt, incl. R. Rader 2018 ‘A framework to identify indicator species for ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes’ Ecological Indicators 91, 278-28692018

K Birkhofer, GKS Andersson, J Bengtsson, R Bommarco, J Dänhardt, incl. R. Rader 2018 Relationships between multiple biodiversity components and ecosystem services along a landscape complexity gradient Biological Conservation 218, 247-253

Saunders, M.E., Rader, R., Smith, T.J. (2018) Bee conservation: key role of managed bees. Science 360: 389.

Willcox, B.K., Aizen, M.A.A., Cunningham, S.A., Mayfield, M.M., Rader, R. (2017) Deconstructing pollinator community effectiveness. Current Opinion in Insect Science.

Hudson, L.N et al. (incl. Rader, R and other co-authors). (2017)  The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems). Ecology and Evolution 7:145-188.

Dollin A., Hogendoorn K., Heard T., Cunningham S., Rader R., Saunders M.E., Latty T., Threlfell C., Smith T., Halcroft M., Lloyd-Prichard D. (2016)  AgGuide: Australian Native Bees.  Education Delivery, Tocal College, NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Foster E., Love J., Rader R., Reid N., Dillon M., Drielsma M.J. (2016)  Planning for metapopulation persistence using a multiple-component, cross-scale model of connectivity.  Biological Conservation 195:177-186.

Rader, R., Bartomeus, I., Garibaldi, L.A., Garratt, M.P.D., Howlett, B., Winfree, R., Cunningham, S.A., Mayfield, M.M., Arthur, A.D., Andersson, G.K.S., Bommarco, R., Brittain, C., Carvalheiro, L.G., Chacoff, N.P., Entling, M.H., Foully, B., Freitas, B.M., Gemmill-Herren, B., Ghazoul, J., Griffin, S., Gross, C.L, Herbertsson, L., Herzog, F., Hipólito, J., Jaggar, S., Jauker, F., Klein, A-M., Kleijn, D., Krishnan, S., Lemos, C.Q., Lindström, S.A.M., Mandelik, Y., Monteiro, V.M., Nelson, W., Nilsson, L., Pattemore, D., de O. Pereira, N., Pisanty, G., Potts, S.G., Reemer, M., Rundlöf, M., Sheffield, C.S., Scheper, J., Schüepp, C., Smith, H.G., Stanley, D.A., Stout, J.C., Szentgyörgyi, H., Taki, H., Vergara, C.H., Viana, B.F., and Woyciechowski, M. (2015)  Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination. PNAS, 113:146-151.

Kleijn, D., Winfree, R., Bartomeus, I., Carvalheiro, L.G., Henry, M., Isaacs, R., Klein, A.M., Kremen, C., M'Gonigle, L.K., Rader, R., Ricketts, T., Williams, N.M., Adamson, N.L., Ascher,  J.S., Báldi, A., Batáry, P., Benjamin, F., Biesmeijer,  J.C., Blitzer, E.J., Bommarco, R., Brand, M.R., Bretagnolle, V., Button, L., Cariveau, D. P., Chifflet, R., Colville, J.F., Danforth, B.N., Elle, E., Garratt, M.P., Herzog, F., Holzschuh, A., Howlett, B.G., Jauker, F., Jha, S., Knop, E., Krewenka, K.M., Le Féon, V., Mandelik, Y., May, E.A., Park, M.G., Pisanty, G., Reemer, M., Riedinger, V., Rollin, O., Rundlöf, M., Sardiñas, H.S., Scheper, J., Sciligo, A.R., Smith, H.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Thorp, R., Tscharntke, T., Verhulst, J., Viana, B.F., Vaissière, B.E., Veldtman, R., Westphal, C. & Potts, S.G. (2015) Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation. Nature Communications 6:7414.

Crea, C, Ali, A., Rader, R. (2015) A new model for ecological networks using species level traits.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:232-241.

Saunders, M.E., Peisley, R.K., Rader, R., Luck, G.W (2016) Pollinators, pests, and predators: recognising ecological trade-offs in agroecosystems. AMBIO 45:4-14.

Rader, R., Birkhofer, K., Schmucki, R., Smith, H.G., Stjernman, M., Lindborg, R.  (2014)  Organic farming and heterogeneous landscapes positively affect different measures of plant diversity.  Journal of Applied Ecology 51:1544-1553.

Rader R., Bartomeus, I., Tylianakis, J.M., Laliberté, E. (2014) The winners and losers of land-use intensification: pollinator community disassembly is non-random and alters functional diversity. Diversity and Distributions 20:908-917.

Rader, R., Reilly, J., Bartomeus, I., Winfree R. (2013)  Biodiversity mediates the impact of climate warming on crop pollination services. Global Change Biology 19:3103–3110.

Garibaldi L.A., Steffan-Dewenter I., Winfree R., Aizen M.A., Bommarco R., Cunningham S.A., Kremen C., Carvalheiro L.G., Afik O., Bartomeus I., Benjamin F., Boreux V., Cariveau D., Chacoff N.P., Dudenhöffer J.H., Freitas B.M., Greenleaf S., Harder L., Hipólito J., Holzschuh A., Howlett B., Isaacs R., Javorek S.K., Kennedy C., Krewenka K., Mandelik Y., Mayfield M.M., Motzke I., Munyuli T., Nault B.A., Otieno M., Petersen J., Pisanty G., Potts S.G., Rader R., Ricketts T.H., Rundlöf M., Seymour C.L., Schüepp C., Smitha K., Szentgyörgyi H., Taki H., Tscharntke T., Vergara C.H., Viana B.F., Wanger T.C., Westphal C., Williams N., Klein A.M. (2013)  Global crop pollination provided by wild insects is not substituted with abundant honey bees.  Science 339:1608-1611.

Eklof A., Jacob U., Kopp J.C., Bosch J., Castro-Urgal R., Chacoff N.P., Dalsgaard B., de Sassi C., Galetti M., Guimaraes Jr. P.R., Lomascolo S.B., Martın Gonzalez A.M., Pizo M.A., Rader R., Rodrigo A., Tylianakis J.M., Vazquez D.P., Allesina S. (2013)  The Dimensionality of Ecological Networks.  Ecology Letters  16:577-83.

Rader, R., Edwards W., Westcott D.A, Cunningham, S.A., Howlett B.G. (2013) Diurnal effectiveness of pollination by bees and flies in agricultural Brassica rapa: Implications for ecosystem resilience. Basic and Applied Ecology 14:20-27.

Rader, R., Howlett, B., Cunningham, S., Westcott, D. and Edwards, W.  (2012)  Spatial and temporal variation in pollinator effectiveness: Do unmanaged insects provide consistent pollination services to mass flowering crops?  Journal of Applied Ecology 49:126-134.

Rader, R., Howlett, B., Cunningham, S., Westcott, D. and Edwards, W.  (2011) Pollen transport differs among bees and flies in a human-modified landscape. Diversity and Distributions 17:519-526.

Howlett, B. G., Walker, M. K., Rader, R., Butler R.C., Newstrom-Lloyd L.E., Teulon D.A.J. (2011) Can insect body pollen counts be used to estimate pollen deposition on pak choi stigmas? New Zealand Plant Protection 64:25-31.

Rader, R., Howlett, B., Cunningham, S., Westcott, D., Newstrom-Lloyd, L., Walker, M., Teulon, D. and Edwards, W.  (2009) Alternative pollinator taxa are equally efficient, but not as effective as the honeybee in a mass flowering crop.  Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 1080-1087.

Winter, J.W., Whitford, D., Rader, R.  (2008) The tree mouse, Pogonomys sp. In:  S. Van Dyck and R. Strahan (ed.s)  The Mammals of Australia. Pp 680-682.  Reed New Holland, Sydney.

Rader, R., Krockenberger, A. (2007) The impact of consumption of fruit by vertebrate and invertebrate frugivores on the germination success of an Australian rainforest seed. Austral Ecology 32: 86-92.

Rader, R., Krockenberger, A. (2006) Does resource availability govern vertical stratification of small mammals in Australian lowland rainforest? Wildlife Research 33: 571-576.

Rader, R., Krockenberger, A.  (2006) Three dimensional use of space use by a tropical rainforest rodent, Melomys cervinipes and its implications for foraging and home range size.  Wildlife Research 33: 577-582.

Rader, R. (2005) Vertical stratification of small mammals in lowland rainforest of the Australian Wet Tropics. In:  M.D. Lowman and H.B. Rinker (eds.), “Forest Canopies”  pp 309-311. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego.

Rader, R., Reed, S.  (2005) A method of tagging Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) crabs for population and behavioral studies (Decapoda, Brachyura, Grapsidae). Crustaceana 78(3): 361-365.